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“When Pat told me about the situation, the image that came to my mind was of intertwined roots, of all the trees’ roots connected together,” Robin Peterson told a reporter from The Kitsap Sun. “I knew I wanted to bear witness to this sad process, even though it’s a natural thing.” Peterson contacted other artists and they put together a gathering of art folks to record the giant trees before the arrival of the woodsman and his ax.
The artists have put together an exhibit of their work entitled, “Intertwined — Requiem for the Trees,” that will be shown at Gig Harbor, Washington's Harbor History Museum. We'll update you when the dates for the show are released.
UPDATE 9/15/2011: Robin Peterson tells us that the show dates are set. "Intertwined, Requiem for the Trees" exhibit will be held at the Harbor History Museum September 30th through October 17th. A reception will be held on Friday, September 30th from 5:30 - 7:30 pm.
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