The 280-mile road follows rivers and lakeshores once used for regional transportation. It traverses narrow canyons, fertile valleys, and broad meadows back-dropped by snow-capped mountains. This is a take-your-time adventure worthy of a few leisurely days, with recreational opportunities for every age and interest. Swim, canoe or kayak, go rafting, or drop a line along the miles of pristine shorelines. Go horseback riding, hike through virgin forest and past dazzling waterfalls, and go geo-caching in the national forests or provincial parks along the way. With autumn coming up, red and yellow foliage creates a patchwork of color among the stands of pine, and countless numbers of Canada geese stop for breaks here during their southbound journey.

Here’s the link to The Loop driving map.
Click for a list of Campgrounds and RV Parks along the Selkirk Loop.
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